Category Archives: Lunch Ideas

Road Trip Burgers

Fried burgerI’ve known for months that my husband is going to New Mexico for a long weekend, leaving tomorrow night. October 6th is the date that our spiritual teacher Yogi Bhajan left his physical body ten years ago. A huge memorial weekend has been planned at Hacienda de Guru Ram Das in Espanola, NM, where he lived for the last 25 years of his life. We had been planning for my hubby to fly out and I had hoped the “ingredients” would come together for me to join him. Just yesterday we decided that we will both go, driving out tomorrow  morning for a late night arrival. At 900 miles, it’s at least a 12 hour drive (speeding and only quick stops for fuel) and probably more like 13-14 hours. Besides packing, today I need to plan on what food to bring for the trip. I want to use up the fresh ingredients on hand so I don’t have to run to the store for anything today and we won’t need to stop for food on the way.

I scanned the fridge and freezer for a quick inventory… enough bread for 3 or 4 sandwiches, a couple of leftover besan-kale-onion pancakes, tomatoes, leftover boiled potatoes, a piece of onion, some frozen roasted jalapenos, a pound of carrots, a few slices of steamed beets, a handful of garbanzos I was going to use in salad, lettuce, rapini, kale, carrots, and some leftover refried beans from making spontaneous nachos the other night. Oh, and 4-5 pieces of jalapeno cornbread. What’s going to make good road food?

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Filed under Beans & Grains, Lunch Ideas, Travel Food

Lickety Split White Bean & Veggie Soup

Today’s cooking adventure came a little unexpectedly. Hubby is out of town on business and I was planning on having salad for dinner… but something else tapped on my shoulder!

Lickity Split Bean SoupI love to cook up some Continue reading

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Filed under Beans & Grains, Lunch Ideas, Soups